Wouldn't it be awesome if kpop stars and groups select Malaysia as their Number 1 Choice of visit and tour destination? Wouldn't it be awesome if they come here again and again just because they love Malaysia? Nowadays we could have seen the hallyu wave successfully breaking in into the Malaysian lifestyle and market. What's next in store for us?
Below I'll summarize what's next for us to experience from the mind blowing kpop acts and tours happening in Malaysia.

Organized by "Running into the sun" This is one event that you will regret missing.
More details here: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=196570330356024
It would be soooooooooooo awesome. Don't miss this opportunity as there would also be a handshake event!
Full details are not out yet but you can wait for the official news by "Redstar presents"
This is also organized by Redstar and you should also anticipate this event as well!
No official statement yet but their company has already agreed to this.
2011 is gonna be another great year for hallyu so don't miss out on any of these events!
IS THIS TRUE?????????