Saturday, August 14, 2010

[CB] Scott Pilgrim Comic Books Full View

You've heard of Scott Pilgrim right? That movie with those game effects, comic book style fighting, which will be released in the cinemas very soon..
Well, I have all of Scott Pilgrim's comic series already. And they cost USD 11 each. *WOW*
Actually, I didn't buy even one of them *whew* But it was a gift to me :)
Below are pictures of the series and it ends at the 6th book.
Enjoy my pictures and don't drool though .. xD

scott 001
scott 002

Size comparison with my lens cover.

scott 003
scott 004

Yep I know you are dying to read them...

scott 005
scott 006
scott 007

Some of the back covers.

scott 008
scott 009

Above are pictures that show how it looks inside.
Anyway about the comic, reading it gives a different feel than other comics, its randomness, creativity, feel, it just feels different than other comics. Really nice.
Yeah its awesome but I don't intend to read it just yet. Don't wanna spoil myself heh. Anyway if you are up to comic collecting, be sure to order them through ebay. I've only read the first book, so I don't have any opinions overall yet. And, if you don't know ANYTHING about Scott Pilgrim or what is this post about..
I recommend you to watch this.

I'll be at the premier screening for this movie next month so remember to check back for my review on the movie :)