It was monday. This was it, adrian and saph zeh zeh finally came down to KL and dou decided to host an outing. We all went to mid valley for K-A-RAOKE babeh. It was well decided.
So this young morning, I woke up with the dense sunlight shining on my face. Freaking alarm clock blowing "EVERYDAY I SHOCK, EVERYNIGHT I SHOCK"I looked at my watch. It was 8.30 AM. Early. It is. Anyway, I got up and ate breakfast and left after having a bath. I followed my mom to work as she sun bian dropped me at the LRT station , yes my mom is good. hah.
So I got down to the LRT station then set off to KL central, after reaching KL central, I took KTM to mid valley. ITS FAIL BUT, KTM SUCKS. FTW. KTM must wait underground with a bunch of sweating dogs for about half an hour waiting for that antique crap of a vehicle. Sucks,
After reaching Mid Valley, I looked at my watch. 10.15... what to do? where to lepak? So I strolled around mid valley, then I came down to one. Starbucks. Kinda obvious eh? having a drink in starbucks, caramel macchiato, duh! while playing DJ Max and spamming some midnight sun, I waited and waited when suddenly at about 11am++, Dou arrived with his cousin. We decided to play pool after that, typical me.
So I bought 2 games, RM6, and waited for adrian and adrian came, following by faust... then saph zeh zeh, and finally that uncle brian, yeah. We went to borders looking for some law books?(HMM?) Then we went to eat lunch at food garden @ Gardens. After that, REDBOX ALL THE WAY! YEAH!
So we went down to redbox with me showing that I'm < than 18 with my IC, usual. Then we just relaxed and spammed as many songs as we could, it was obvious that I and dou spammed hell loads of K-songs, It was somehow a marathon. ALL SNSD SONGS + so many random songs, haha cake. Faust was showing off his 1337 skills using mic and uncle brian was sleeping, LOL nah. Anyway, saph left us early leaving for some important stuff? O_o Then we spammed and sapu-ed everything at buffet Hi-Tea at redbox. Loads of food and fun.
After that, It was 6 and everyone was almost in sleeping mode, so we decided to head back.
Then we lived happily ever after..... not..
LOLK, It was great today , looking forward to more cakey time, till then.
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