Nah. It looks scary, but after playing it with a friend.. Oh yes. Whole game no screamer, yay yay yay.
So its quite late for me to play this game after it lurking in my memory stick for about 1 month.
I'm such a wussy at playing horror games but seriously, silent hill fans can say this is the worst one yet. Their horror rate, hmm, If I were to design one horror game, confirm everyone shitbricks.
*Prepares to be raped*
One day, The father was jacking off at some certain place at a certain time when he concentrated too much leading him into a car crash. Well thats sad. Why?
He landed in silent hill. Yeah congratulations. The "best" place to ever be.
But why was he jacking off? He was actually looking for his long lost daughter, which seems to be lost in the realms of the silent hill.
Well about my review, I played the whole game in 5 continuous hours , kind of fun. But with the help of walkthroughs. I really think you must have a really good puzzle solving sense and self surviving sense to survive and look out for the keys/secret items. They are quite hard to find.
You will find many different parts of your memories along the way, solving the mystery.
Anyway, in the game you get to use a mobile phone with a camera and GPS , yeah thats kinda cool.Sadly noone picks up your call.... And random voicemails keep appearing.
About the horror, actually this game has nothing much to be afraid about because only in those Icy Nightmare Mode then the aliens will come after you. Other than that, no screamers whatsoever. Yippie!
Sometimes looking through your way out of the nightmare realm could really give you a headache. The nightmare realms are mostly there to confuse you and to give you no sense of direction.. Ppff.
This game is quite cheap, cause you can kill anything! Darn, whole game dodging aliens and no killing? Very sad indeed. Equipped with just a torchlight, you will be holding that with you the whole game.
Thats about enough about it and now time for the rating.
Rating : 5/10
Worth the try though, but seriously , don't get too dizzy flinging off aliens off your body..
Last but not least, its not scary!
@Personal: Exams are finally over and now its holidays, I'm mad crazy for the holidays as you know . ^_^ Really excited over these 2 weeks and I hope we can have more fun together.
2 Outings + U kiss fanmeeting. Just watch out for my blog posts.
Till then.
+ something related to "horror" hehehehe
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